Black male physician with stethoscope conducting research makes notes with pen while looking at laptop

April 21, 2020 | 3:00-3:30 PM GMT 

[UK Funders] Can research outcomes data be used in decision making by funding organisations?

Chief Data Analyst Gavin Reddick will discuss how the activities, outcomes and outputs from research projects can be used for advocacy, allocation, and accountability analysis by funders and research organisations.

Join us for a free 30 minute webinar where Gavin will show real life examples of how funding can be tracked through non-linear pathways to impact and how analysis of activities such as policy influences, collaborations, commercialisation and others can help funders improve their strategic decision making.

Showing Research Impact with Researchfish by Interfolio

Impact assessment is a major focus of modern funding bodies, higher education institutions, and research centers. But the total impact of funded research activity takes many different forms—not just publications and inventions. And data validated by the researcher is the key.

Funders, universities, and research centers worldwide use Interfolio’s Researchfish to track, study, and communicate the total impact of their research.