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Since 2002, Canada has been investing in its research community through the development of the Canadian Common CV (CCV). The CCV allows researchers to collect and manage their CV data in a central repository and creates efficiencies in the funding application process.

The CCV has its challenges, but the benefits far exceed them. After an initial investment of time in loading data from other sources (such as citation databases like Google Scholar and Web of Science) and from manually entering other CV components, researchers can apply for several grant-funding opportunities by simply managing and repurposing the previously-entered data. The time saved allows researchers to focus more on value-added activities and less on managing CV data. Additional benefits of the CCV include the creation of a central data repository that supports its member funding agencies and the showcasing of Canadian researchers’ expertise and accomplishments.

The CCV has grown in significance, with approximately 100,000 users and 22 members that serve as funding sources. One reason for the growth is the CCV’s efforts to enhance the online tool for the research community. In 2012, the CCV updated the application process used by researchers with new web technologies, and integrated release notes, FAQs, and other tools into the website.  And more improvements are planned for the future.

The CCV provides a great model for other countries to consider in supporting research, scholarship, and the discovery of knowledge. Learn more about the Canadian Common CV at

Content originally published on Learn more about Interfolio’s acquisition of Data180 here.