May 29th, 2019 / 2:00 PM BST & IST / 3:00 CEST / 9:00 AM ET
How are you currently managing the review and promotion of academic staff at your institution?
Managing reviews of your academic staff through conventional systems built for businesses (or through a home-built system) can often be arduous and time-consuming in a higher education context, and can leave academics unclear about requirements for their own reviews.
Even more routine reviews of annual production and workload of an academic staff member, or attempting to locate a single central list of all formal promotion cases currently under way, can become an administrative headache.
More and more universities are going digital with review and promotion workflows.
In today’s universities worldwide, academic and human resources leaders increasingly recognize the need to move academic promotion and review workflows to an online platform that is configurable to their needs. It’s all but necessary for modern universities who wish to simplify the administrative work associated with these reviews, while also understanding their academic composition, and to assess aspects like equitability and representation from a birds-eye view.
Interfolio is the first technology company to successfully engage both academic and professional services staff around academic information.
In use at over 300 institutions worldwide, Interfolio modules for academic promotion, data, and hiring are eminently adaptable to suit different any institution’s requirements or workflows.
In this free webinar, you’ll learn:
- Who is Interfolio? How do our products fit into the lifecycle of academic staff?
- What are the advantages to moving processes around the academic lifecycle online? How have other institutions done it successfully?
- What does the end result look like? We will provide a short demo of what review and promotion can look like at your institution.