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Providing an international system to link journal publications and other research information to the correct researcher has been the driving force behind ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). In a recent online article on the Research Information web site, authors Verena Weigert and Rob Johnson report on a pilot where eight universities in the United Kingdom implemented ORCID identifiers in their systems and workflows. Key questions and findings were:
- Should researchers be required by their institutions to register for an ORCID identifier? Results show differences in approaches by the eight institutions.
- Should institutions create ORCID identifiers for researchers in bulk, or should researchers individually create records? Findings from the pilot and elsewhere support ORCID’s “create on demand” approach, which allows researchers to create ORCID IDs individually.
- How do institutions convince researchers of the personal advantages of using ORCID identifiers? Each pilot institution developed is own communication plan to persuade researchers; however, the universities expressed the need for a growth in the overall number of adopters to support success within an individual institution.
- What are the costs, in time and money, in implementing ORCID at an institution? Systems were successfully implemented in six to nine months at an average cost of approximately $19,000.
- What are the benefits found in implementing ORCID? Efficiencies were expected in data management and reporting—specifically, in maintaining information quality and in managing and reporting publication data. Overall, the institutions believed that the benefits to an institution would exceed the costs.
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