Displaying current, reliable information about faculty accomplishments on your institution’s website can make the difference to land top faculty candidates. One of the most influential biomedical research institutes in the world, Scripps Research has experienced this hiring advantage firsthand with Interfolio’s Faculty Information System. By powering their web profiles with Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) and keeping them bulk-populated via its unique Data Service, as well as conducting hiring through Interfolio’s Faculty Search, Scripps has maintained its position as a premier graduate school and top research institution.

Themes discussed:

  • Up-to-Date Faculty Activity Information Strengthens Hiring, Communications, Fundraising, and Resource Allocation
  • Interfolio Helps Drive Efficiency Within Faculty Workloads

“Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting has been very impactful. We can use it in a lot of different ways, from philanthropy to reporting to various government institutions that look for this information. So for us, it’s been critical in pushing the Institute toward where we want to be.”

Katrina Schreiber
Director, Academic Operations
Scripps Research

Up-to-Date Faculty Activity Information Strengthens Hiring, Communications, Fundraising, and Resource Allocations

Thanks to Interfolio FAR and its unique Data Service, which regularly and automatically identifies and brings in citation data on faculty members’ academic work, Scripps Research’s faculty information stays up to date.

Scripps Research in turn pushes that data to faculty members’ public web pages, which “has been very helpful for recruitment of new faculty,” says Katrina Schreiber, Director of Academic Operations at Scripps. “Many of our applicants say that they applied to Scripps because they were so impressed with the research they read about on our faculty members’ web pages.”

In addition, having accurate and reliable data has helped:

  • The communications team to promote faculty accomplishments
  • The philanthropy department to match donors with faculty who share their research interests
  • Departments to justify requests for additional research space and facilities

“Many of our applicants say that they applied to Scripps because they were so impressed with the research they read about on our faculty members’ web pages.”

Katrina Schreiber
Director, Academic Operations
Scripps Research

Interfolio Helps Drive Efficiency Within Faculty Workloads

Faculty at Scripps Research appreciate that the Interfolio modules have created efficiencies within their workloads, as well as provided transparency into their review duties.

“Our faculty found that the Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) module made things much easier for them,” explains Schreiber. “Before, we didn’t have any way for them to go to one place and easily look at all their demographics. So their reaction to using FAR was, ‘Oh, this is an improvement to my workload because I can now go to this one place and validate my activity data,’ which is automatically pulled in by the Interfolio Data Service.”

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