Rice University

Showcase Your Faculty Accomplishments

Taking the time to showcase your accomplishments can feel like a repetitive burden.

But your research, teaching, and service commitments have a direct impact on your students and your institution. 

Sharing your impact can be easier—and more beneficial to you.  

Once you enter your data in a Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) system, it can populate annual reviews, promotion and tenure cases, teaching award nominations, and more—without additional data entry on your part or worries.

Discover how Rice University streamlined faculty affairs with Interfolio, saving time on administrative tasks and fostering a focus on research and teaching.

Best Practices for Entering Your Faculty Activity Data 

When and where should you enter your activities? How do you validate publication data imported from Interfolio Data Service? Explore these how-to sections of our help guide

Benefits of FAR for Faculty 

✓ Enhance Your Career Opportunities  

✓ Improve Student Outcomes  

✓ Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts 

✓ Expand Your Research Opportunities 

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Illuminate Your Impact:
How to Showcase Your Accomplishments

As an academic, you care deeply about your work. Your research, teaching, and service commitments have a direct impact on your students and your institution.

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Feedback from Faculty and Institutions

Interfolio creates an even playing field for all disciplines in how they showcase their achievements.

Meghan E. Healey, Interim Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs and a Professor of Scenography in the Department of Drama, Theater, and Dance at Queens College, the City University of New York

Our faculty found that the Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) module made things mude easier for them. Before, we didn’t have any way for them to go to one place and easily look at all their demographics. So their reaction to using FAR was, ‘Oh, this is an improvement to my workload because I can now go to this one place and validate my activity data,’ which is automatically pulled in by the Interfolio Data Service.

Katrina Schreiber, Director of Academic Operations, Scripps Research