An icon representing the Interfolio Faculty Search process

Faculty Search

An icon representing the Interfolio Faculty Search process

Interfolio Faculty Search covers the whole academic recruitment process—including the job board and applications, confidential letters, fair committee review, diversity data, and the rest.

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Enable Committees to Make Efficient, Fair Decisions

Give your search committees tools that let them spend their time on reviewing applicants, rather than on accessing materials or letters, confirming search status, and keeping track of notes. Free up professional services staff to spend time assisting academics in the ways that are most valuable.

enable committees to make fair decisions

academic diversity and inclusion

Deliver on Academic Diversity and Inclusion Efforts

Inform every academic hire with data on real-time, self-reported, anonymous demographic survey responses from 100% of applicants. Establish custom, explicit criteria for evaluating applicants. Empower authorized administrators to intervene in insufficiently diverse searches.

Recruit New Colleagues Strategically and Effectively

Slice and compare a wide variety of data points about applications received—and positions offered—to understand patterns of attraction toward your institution (or lack thereof) among the academic job market. Understand where applicants are finding your job listings. Build a backlog of competitive candidates for future searches.

academic recruiting

academic hiring

Make Academic Hiring Equitable, Responsible, Consistent

Establish a source of truth and enforce standards for how academic hiring should take place across your institution. Ensure recruitment activity runs through the proper pre-hire and post-hire approval workflows. Give senior academic officers visibility into the facts around hiring researchers and instructors.

“With Interfolio, law schools and prospective law faculty will have access to a platform that is specifically designed for academics and their needs.”

Judy Areen, Executive Director, Association of American Law Schools

“We have always recognized that faculty are our #1 asset. Interfolio will help us continue to put faculty first and retain our essential junior faculty.”

Chun Chang, Executive Dean, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance

“Interfolio will provide a consistent approach to hiring faculty, which will then influence the development of new processes for the entire school.”

Denis Konanchuk, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO


The entry point of your academic employees into their journeys at your institution, Interfolio Faculty Search is built expressly for the committee model, shared governance, and the large amount of information required by academic job applications. 

Job Board

Publish a publicly accessible landing page for each position and list them all on a clean, searchable, auto-generated job board.

Easy Applicant Experience

Applicants use a free (and likely familiar) Interfolio Dossier experience to apply, and can see requirements and status clearly.

Confidential Letters

Whether the committee or applicant sends the digital letter request, letters are kept confidential from the applicant and automatically routed into their application.

Diversity Data

Build self-reported, secure demographic data questionnaires into applications to yield a 100% response rate.

Simple Application Review

Let hiring committees review any number of full job applications from anywhere, in a mobile-friendly online environment.


Generate, save, and share reports on nearly any combination of data about applicants, positions, and form responses.

Ready for your Faculty Information System?

Contact us today to understand how Interfolio’s scholar-centric technology addresses the needs of higher education and research funders. 

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An icon representing the Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure process

Review, Promotion & Tenure

An icon representing the Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure process

Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure is a committee-friendly engine for conducting all your academic professional evaluations online—efficiently, fairly, and securely.

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Enable Colleagues to Reach Good Decisions Efficiently Online

  • Give many hours back every year to faculty and deans who are reviewing colleagues, enabling them to focus on teaching, research, and quality service contributions.
  • Equip individual reviewers and committees to focus on the substance of reviews with easy tools for collecting, viewing, annotating, labeling, and routing candidate materials.
  • Pick and choose from features tailored for higher education—including not just forms and documents, but also recusal, rebuttal, standing and ad hoc committees, multimedia, and external evaluations—to mirror your exact process.
Promotion and Tenure

Tenure and review

Give Academics Under Review A Positive Experience

  • Make your professional academic reviews into a clear, familiar, affirmative routine.
  • Leverage Interfolio’s widely used Dossier service to provide every academic with a familiar, private space to curate materials and accomplishments.
  • Optionally, draw upon data from Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty180) and candidates’ past reviews to make packet assembly easy.

Create Consistency and Establish Standard Workflows

  • Build workflow templates to govern every type of academic review case that takes place at your institution—not just tenure and promotion, but annual review, appointment, reappointment, sabbatical, merit pay increase, and all others.
  • Automatically document that the mandated process was followed in all cases.
  • Facilitate consistency across all reviews while preserving appropriate differences between disciplines, ranks, and employment models.
academic review

academic review transparency

Give Academic Offices Mutual Transparency Into Reviews

  • Bring all current and past faculty review cases into a single view.
  • Establish a shared source of truth about the current stage of each review, who is on the committee, and what the next step is.
  • Identify disparities in review practices and better understand the impact on your administrative workloads.

“All involved praised the online process enthusiastically…Indeed, many comments took the form “Why weren’t we doing this before?”

Timothy Austin, PhD, Professor and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Duquesne University

“…With Interfolio, we now have the infrastructure to run efficient review, promotion, and tenure processes, where faculty accomplishments can be put on display.”

Austin Cooper, Faculty Relations Manager, Western Washington University


Among technologies used for workflow in higher education, Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure is uniquely scholar-friendly.

Usable just on its own, or in conjunction with other parts of the Interfolio Faculty Information System, this Interfolio module permits you to exactly replicate your faculty evaluation practices online—or maybe even improve on them.

Faculty Dossier

Give every academic a familiar, private space to curate evidence of their academic accomplishments throughout their career.

Workflow Templates

Ensure that each possible type of review at your institution moves through the correct required steps—specific to that type of review, in that academic department, every time.

Reviewer Tools

Read full tenure, promotion, or annual review materials in an online reader, complete paperwork, and fulfill committee service.

Administrative Tools

Communicate with reviewers, attach required files or forms, take committee votes, honor candidate rebuttal periods, and send cases onward with a click.

Packet Import

Auto-populate cases with CVs and supporting materials from Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty180) and from past reviews.

External Evaluations

Request and receive confidential peer input about candidates in a way that reflects positively upon your institution.

Ready for your Faculty Information System?

Contact us today to understand how Interfolio’s scholar-centric technology addresses the needs of higher education and research funders. 

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An icon representing the Interfolio Lifecycle Management process

Lifecycle Management

An icon representing the Interfolio Lifecycle Management process

Interfolio Lifecycle Management fosters transparency about academic appointments and advancement across your institution, throughout every scholar’s career.

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Give Academic Appointment and Employment Info A Home

Interfolio Lifecycle Management provides provosts, deans, academic affairs, and other higher education leadership a dedicated, central database to look up the institution’s academic employees, including their title, rank, formal appointment(s), status, workload and key dates during their time at the institution.

Academic Appointment and Employment

Honor Academic Employment Commitments and Agreements

Honor Academic Employment Commitments and Agreements

Keep track of the specific employment commitments your institution has made to each member of the faculty, regardless of full-time/part-time status—including workload allocation, spousal hires, sabbatical discussions, and similar, hard-to-track-down information.

Make Academic Employment Models Visual and Interactive

Visualize the professional journey and timeline expected for each type of academic employee, in each discipline or administrative unit. View paths for multiple appointments side by side. Consult any individual scholar’s current profile to understand how their expected growth pathway may vary from the standard progression.

Employment Models

Professional milestones

Anticipate and Plan for Upcoming Professional Milestones

Forecast and proactively manage academic personnel milestones, including appointment, annual review, tenure, promotion, sabbatical or travel leave, and more. Be prepared for financial and other resourcing implications of faculty availability.

“We strive to support our scholars in every facet of their professional journeys, and Lifecycle Management stands ready to provide a systematic architecture to help us do exactly that.”

Alyssa Kupka, Chief of Staff/Senior Associate Vice President, DePaul University

“The value of Interfolio Lifecycle Management is in its ability to help us track our faculty on different contracts and different review cycles easily and efficiently.”

Aneesa Anne McDonald, Faculty Affairs Specialist, University of Wyoming


Launched in fall 2019, Interfolio Lifecycle Management intentionally bridges a widely reported knowledge gap around academic affairs. It serves at once as an organizational tool for leadership offices, and as an observation deck for Interfolio activity across your institution. 


Complete and accurate roster of full-time and part-time academics, sortable by key fields such as unit, rank, and upcoming event type.


Aggregate counts of all completed, current, and upcoming academic review processes.


Individual view of each academic in the faculty, showing all appointments, contract details, and past/future reviews.


Intentional fields for workload allocation, qualifications, salary range per rank, and other policies buried in faculty handbooks.


Visual representation of all events involved in each scholar’s lifecycle—tracking standard models against individual realities.


Engine to generate and record email correspondence with faculty members about professional advancement.

Ready for your Faculty Information System?

Contact us today to understand how Interfolio’s scholar-centric technology addresses the needs of higher education and research funders. 

Already a customer and need support-related help? Email us at

An icon representing the Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting process

Faculty Activity Reporting

An icon representing the Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting process

Drawing on millions of records through the Interfolio Data Service, the Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting module powers CVs, workload reports, accreditation, and other academic storytelling.

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Achieve High Data Quality and Broad Coverage

Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty180) leverages the innovative Interfolio Data Service to give you an ongoing source of accurate and reliable faculty information. 

Pull data in from an expanding group of sources that include over 230 million records, published and tracked in over 60,000 reputable periodicals and other outlets.

Incentivize Scholars to Validate Their Data

  • Present scholars with recent data on file about their accomplishments for them to validate throughout the year.
  • Enable attachment of actual work produced, whether it’s journal articles, conference proceedings, videos, or computer science code.
  • Facilitate connection to ORCID or external profile systems.

Assist Scholars in Compiling and Communicating Their Work

  • Maintain any number of official CV templates to automatically present fielded data in clean, readable formats. 
  • Enable scholars to establish custom CV formats that reflect their discipline and put their best foot forward. 
  • Link activity data to your website’s scholar profiles.

Generate Faculty Activity Reports for Accreditation and More

  • Gather data for accreditation and other compliance requirements.
  • Create custom reports and easily navigate through cells to view the underlying data. 
  • Save and share reports with peers inside and outside the institution.

“…With Faculty Activity Reporting, faculty at Clark University has gained a tool to effectively showcase their scholarship to the broader community.”

Yuko Aoyama, Associate Provost and Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Clark University

“We felt confident about Interfolio’s roadmap and its sophisticated, robust product and user-friendly interface.”

Beckham Dossett, Associate Professor and Associate Dean, McGovern College of the Arts, University of Houston


Between its CV generation engine for scholars, its groundbreaking Data Service, its workload allocation function, and many more tools, Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting at once saves everyone time and powers new insights into faculty work at your institution.

Data Service

Leverage Interfolio’s unique Data Service to populate the system year-round with trustworthy data about your faculty members’ academic work.

Review, Promotion & Tenure

Connect with Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure to automatically populate review cases with CVs and digital copies of academic work.

Data Validation

Call academics’ attention only to the data you need from them and ensure they approve it before it goes on record.

Reporting Options

Produce rich reports for accreditation by region or discipline, as well as a wide variety of common reports about teaching, grants, scholarly contributions, and more.

CV Generation

Let faculty export and auto-format data for CVs, professional reviews, funding, and other self-presentation.

Find Colleagues

Empower scholars (and administrators) to search the database by keyword for potential collaborators—or gaps.

Ready for your Faculty Information System?

Contact us today to understand how Interfolio’s scholar-centric technology addresses the needs of higher education and research funders. 

Already a customer and need support-related help? Email us at

Data Service

The Interfolio Data Service is higher education’s new path to accurate and reliable faculty data. A unique feature set within the Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting module, the Data Service processes data from a massive pool to ensure data quality and coverage.

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Regularly Pull in Data About Faculty Members’ Work

On an ongoing basis, the Interfolio Data Service identifies and brings in citation data on your faculty members’ academic work, including journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings. 

The Data Service comes connected to an expanding group of sources that include over 230 million records, published and tracked in over 60,000 reputable periodicals and other outlets.

Eliminate Data Cleanup with Behind-the-Scenes Smart Matching 

Behind the scenes, the Interfolio Data Service does the data processing for you before the imported data is ever shown to your scholars for validation. The Data Service normalizes the format of the data, matches between different scholars with similar names, and consolidates duplicate records.

Build a Trustworthy Data Pool with Natural Validation by Scholars

The Interfolio Data Service presents scholars with an intuitive, frictionless user experience that incentivizes them to validate the academic data found for them. Only after a scholar has validated their data will it be saved to their profile in Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty180).

Draw on Reliable Data for CVs, Faculty Reviews, Reporting, and More

Once the data has been validated and saved, enable faculty and administrators to draw on your accumulated pool of accurate data. Use it in faculty professional reviews/annual reviews, grant applications, accreditation reporting, and more. Be able to trust the data, gain insights, and save everyone time.

“We were looking for a tested solution with the ability to save faculty time and effort in collecting and submitting their accomplishments.”

Adam Finlayson, Functional Solutions Lead, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences, Northwestern University

“You’d be surprised how many companies can’t tell you what their roadmap is, can’t tell you with any sort of clarity what they’re thinking about for their future. They come back with a, ‘We can do whatever you need us to do, tell us what you want.’ We wanted a company innovating on our behalf, not making us think about it for them.”

Chris Ardeel, MBA, Information Systems Analyst + Account Manager , Butler University

“Many existing enterprise systems are not designed for higher education. Interfolio stands apart because of its focus on faculty.”

Alyssa Kupka, Chief of Staff and Senior Associate Vice President, DePaul University

Ready for your Faculty Information System?

Contact us today to understand how Interfolio’s scholar-centric technology addresses the needs of higher education and research funders. 

Already a customer and need support-related help? Email us at

An icon representing the Researchfish process


An icon representing the Researchfish process

Funders, universities, and research centers worldwide use Interfolio’s Researchfish to track, study, and communicate the total impact of their research.

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For Higher Education Institutions

Researchfish by Interfolio raises the integrity and credibility of the university’s public narrative about its own work and role. The researcher-centric platform gives universities an efficient method to study and communicate the overall global impact of contributions to all fields by scholars at the institution. 

higher education institutions

for funders

For Funders

Researchfish by Interfolio enables funders to create powerful impact stories to make strategic funding decisions and advocate for research activity. As a funding entity, you gain a concrete method to collect, benchmark, and analyze research impact data—both directly from researchers, and via harvesting from thousands of external databases.

For Research Organizations

Researchfish by Interfolio gives your research organization, center, or institute a compelling source from which to build a factual narrative of your work and pursue your strengths. The platform’s data quality and comparative analytics empower you to join the global conversation about mission-driven research in any field. 

research organizations


Researchfish by Interfolio brings different benefits to different entities involved in the global research ecosystem. 

Empirically Show the Value of Funded Research

  • Funders, higher education institutions, and research organizations use Researchfish by Interfolio to collect and compare data about research activity.
  • Capture not only the financial and team details of research, but also all demonstrable outcomes and benefits of that activity.
  • Tell a compelling story about researchers’ discoveries.

Capture a Total Picture of Impact in All Forms

  • With Researchfish by Interfolio, you can report impact beyond publications—such as policy changes, medicines, new methods, creative productions, commercial and nonprofit “spin-outs,” and others.
  • Show not just the direct outputs of scholars’ activity, but also the indirect outcomes, such as when research leads to more funding.

Draw Upon a Massive Pool of Research Impact Data

  • Researchfish by Interfolio taps into many thousands of sources reflecting all disciplines, including STEM, arts, humanities, social sciences, and everything else.
  • Take advantage of data collected, validated, and cleaned in many contexts to achieve high data accuracy and a layered understanding of research impact.

Participate in the Global Conversation About Funded Research

  • Use the built-in question set to track standard types of outcomes from research
  • Enable comparison with other organizations involved in the same research as you
  • Draw upon concrete evidence for case studies, conference presentations, “research on research,” and more

Can you measure and evaluate the societal impact of your research?

Contact us today to understand how Interfolio’s intelligent technology is used to track research and evidence impact