Last Thursday, we hosted a webinar with Ellen Stolzenberg and Jennifer Berdan Lozano from UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) to talk about the results of their 2014 Faculty Survey, a comprehensive research instrument for the professoriate in the U.S. The survey is designed, among other things, to identify sources of faculty satisfaction and stress, assess research and service activities, and examine how faculty define their roles. Because we’re particularly interested in service—how much time it takes, how faculty feel about it, and whether there is equity across faculty groups—we spent a lot of time discussing their findings in this area, but we also touched on the big picture of faculty work with survey results about research and teaching as well.  Continue reading “Who is performing the service, and how is it valued? Thoughts from our May webinar with HERI”

UPDATE: View the recording here and the webinar slides here

For our May webinar, we’re thrilled to talk with two researchers from UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) about survey data they have gathered on the faculty work experience, especially concerning the burden of professional service. There is no cost to attend.

Continue reading “WEBINAR | HERI Faculty Survey: Service, Stress, and Satisfaction | May 26, 2016”

Join us online this Thursday, January 28, for a conversation with Sarah B. Steinberg, Ed.D., founder of Frogstone Strategies and former Executive Vice Provost at Johns Hopkins University, about why academic institutions should not let their faculty’s hefty committee responsibilities go unsupported and unstudied. UPDATE: Watch the recording online 

Continue reading “Register to attend our live webinar with Sarah B. Steinberg! | January 28”

Lots of folks from the higher education community participated in this week’s webinar, “Ditching the Binder: Best Practices in Digital Promotion & Tenure,” with Sewanee’s Elizabeth Skomp,Professor of Russian and Associate Dean of the College. We thought we’d share some of the most popular questions we received about our ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure platform and how it can be used. Missed the webinar? Want to listen again? Watch the recording online.

Continue reading “Webinar Q&A | Ditching the Binder: How Sewanee took Promotion & Tenure Online”

Register here for the February 25, 2016 installment of the Interfolio webinar series! We’ll be talking with Sewanee about how they’ve reorganized and streamlined their tenure and faculty promotion processes using the ByCommittee online platform. There is no cost to attend. UPDATE: Watch the recording online.

Continue reading “WEBINAR | Ditching the Binder: How Sewanee took Promotion & Tenure Online | February 25”