Helping you to transition to remote faculty processes
We’ve been a dedicated partner to the education community for over 20 years, and are here for you as you face the challenges associated with moving faculty processes to an online environment. We’ve pulled together a collection of blog posts and resources that can help you in this unprecedented time.
eBook: Rapid Digital Transformation for your Faculty Affairs Processes
Interfolio, creator of the leading Faculty Information System, partners with colleges and universities to take the essential processes around hiring, review and promotion, activity reporting, academic appointments, and career journeys online.

Digital Roundtable: Business Continuity in Uncertain Times
How is higher education thinking about business continuity in faculty affairs during COVID-19? Join us for a discussion with American College of Education, East Stroudsburg University, Tulane University, and Vanderbilt University to hear how their departments are currently navigating faculty processes, shifting priorities, and digital transformation.
Planning ahead: digital transformation of academic hiring processes
The COVID-19 pandemic may have forced your institution to delay (or freeze) hiring for the near future for open administrative, staff, or even faculty positions. In these times, you are likely, by necessity, to be carefully considering the academic personnel needs at your college or university.

Planning a digital transformation of faculty evaluations and professional reviews
In the wake of COVID-19, we provide guidance on how a higher education institution can successfully and securely manage faculty review workflows online going forward.
Tips during COVID-19 for professors to support students
This post continues our series, The Smart Scholar, with tips on how professors can navigate COVID-19 while supporting their students.

How to Support Grad Students (Now More Than Ever)
American grad students, who are already living on small stipends and facing soft job markets, have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Access to research materials is difficult, with labs and libraries closed and travel curtailed for the foreseeable future.
Working from home with kiddos
This post continues our series by a onetime academic job seeker, now academic-at-large, containing tips on working from home with kids.

Online faculty evaluations and committee work: 3 critical short-term steps
In light of COVID-19, here are a few guiding points to successfully conduct faculty professional reviews online this academic year.
Online faculty hiring on short notice: how to succeed this spring
In the wake of COVID-19, here are a few pointers for successfully taking higher education faculty hiring online in the short term.

Webinar – Tracking COVID-19 Impact Using Interfolio
Free Client Webinar: Tracking COVID-19 Impact Using Interfolio Friday, April 10, 2020, 2 p.m. EST Interfolio is hosting a client-only webinar to address higher education workflow changes and trends we’re seeing among our client partners.
Navigating COVID-19
COVID-19: Here you can find the various actions and precautions Interfolio is taking to serve the higher education community.

Ready for your Faculty Information System?
Contact us today to understand how Interfolio’s scholar-centric technology addresses the needs of higher education and research funders.
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